APRIL 2018 Blog

Chinese Language Offering

Breaking News!  Chariho High School has been awarded a Teachers of Critical Languages Grant that will bring a Chinese teacher to teach classes at CHS and CMS for the 2018-2019 school year!  If you are interested in adjusting your students schedule to enroll them in Chinese next year, please contact your school counselor next week to make arrangements. We hope to grow a full Chinese language offering in the coming years through this grant opportunity!

Portfolio Push

We are so proud of the 142 students in the Class of 2018 who have successfully completed their graduation portfolio.  Many in this class willingly piloted a new approach to reflecting on their experience, focused on their Learner Story, Learner Strategies, Learner Qualities and Learner Trajectory that will define grade-level reflections for future Chariho classes.  Students and judges report that this year’s presentations have been more personal and meaningful. We need you to encourage your student, as they prepare for the upcoming portfolio presentations to take time to ensure their portfolio is complete and in order, and that they have met with their advisors and Mr. Kelly or Ms. Hackett to prepare a quality presentation that reflects on their experience at Chariho. Students who do not meet their presentation date are subject to mandated academic support after school until completed, and are ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities, including Prom. Of course, we want 100% participation in end of year activities and at graduation. Any support you can provide in making the final push for your senior is appreciated!

Social Emotional Learning at CHS

This year, the Chariho Regional School District has focused its efforts on social emotional learning.  At the start of our school year, our faculty participated in a full day of professional development entirely devoted to mental health awareness and intervention.  Beginning this year, students at elementary, middle and high school levels will receive direct instruction in social and emotional learning at critical grade-level junctures and our social workers, school psychologists, school counselors, nurses and health teachers have worked together to develop these lessons, align-them with our health curriculum and incorporate them into our health classes.  We have been using a program called the Zones of Regulation at the elementary levels and have recently adopted
components of this program for use at the secondary level.  Students are learning the importance of self-awareness and self-regulation and are being taught specific calming, sensory and thinking strategies.  Students are introduced to metacognition and neuroplasticity and are taught how their brains work and, most importantly, that they have the ability to create new neural pathways that are positive and proadaptive.  What's most important is that students are now equipped with “tools” that they can use when faced with stressful or challenging situations.  Below is an example of a poster that students can reference to identify their level of regulation and corresponding strategies:

Chariho Youth Task Force

We are very proud of the Chariho Youth Task Force, a student-led organization, who have promoted their “Standup to Stigma” campaign spotlighting mental health and addiction.  To learn more about their organization and campaign efforts, please visit their website here.  New members are welcome!

AP Updates

We are excited to announce that this year’s AP Exams will be administered at URI.  We have worked closely with AP teachers this year to identify how we can ensure that instruction, preparation, and testing environment support students in performing at their highest levels.  URI graciously agreed to host our students. Students taking AP exams are excused from attending school other than their exam on that day. Mr. MacKenzie met with each AP course to applaud students’ investment in our most challenging learning, and to encourage their investment in study groups and after school preparations with their teachers in support of earning college credit through their performance.

Upcoming PSAT & SAT Testing

On April 10th sophomores will take the PSAT and juniors will take the SAT.  While these two assessments have always served nationally as a measure of student readiness for post-high school success, their value has increased as they are now a measure of school performance for all Rhode Island schools.  We are proud of the learning experiences we provide our students, and our recognition as a RI Commended school, the only school in the state with a Career and Technical Center.  We want to ensure that the Chariho diploma increases in value, and serves as a vehicle for increased opportunities for our graduates. These tests are also the primary means of meeting Chariho's Standardized Assessment Requirement for graduation.  Please join us in encouraging your students to take these exams seriously, to come to school rested and fed, and to do their very best towards improving future opportunities for themselves and all Chariho students.

From the Chariho Special Education Advisory Committee:

A dodgeball tournament will take place on April 7th.  Proceeds will fund a planter for the Chariho Alternative Learning Academy and will support the Unified Prom.  For more information contact: SALALG78@GMAIL.COM

Chariho Budget All-Day Referendum:

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